
I'f you have an Liverpool, Irish or Australian accent then you have defiantly won me over already
My life consists of singing, being random and drinking TEA.
I'm really outspoken.
I don't buy certain things or wear certain clothes because other people do, If I like something, I will buy it. If I Think Its nice, I'll wear it.
No I haven't ate nandos before, I don't like cheese or pizza, I hate people who put 'Learn the difference between 'your' and your'e' them people are idiots.

I absolutely hate
people who think its okay to shove their privet parts on my screen.
stuck up people.
cute couples, envy you all! :(

I love
boats and hoes
engery drinks and tea!
people who don't get their privet parts out on cam
when people have respect for themselves
males in hats or long'ish hair!

nothing interesting but I had a bit of spare time so why not!
inbox me?

User Statistics

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: Greater Manchester
City/Town: Manchester
Age: 20
Martial Status: Single
Body Type: Have some extra pounds
Can Accommodate: No
Can Travel: No
Smoking: Yes
Drinking: No

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