
If you are tired of all the weave-flicking-finger-snapping -no-number-givin-teeth-kissing -eye-rolling-gold-diggin time on

I'm the realest girl you're yet to meet!

What I've learnt so far

So from what you guys have told me and from experience of my own faux pas and also from watching a lot of my female friends I've learnt a couple of key things.

1)You should never try to change a guy. Instead of finding one who is wrong for you and driving both of you mad trying to make him someone he's not just move on.
2)Accept nobodys perfect. Don't get caught up on the little things. You can missout on a good thing over something really silly. Have realistic expectations and if they are surpassed its a bonus.
3)Have a clear idea of what you really need, as what you really want may not always be benefiticial.

Who does she think she is?

I've been told by some friends that I'm too picky. I sometimes think that because I'm a "thick madame" maybe they think that heavyset women don't have a right to be choosey about who they date but bigger does not a begger make. I'm big and particular.

I'm looking for a guy who is ready to have some deep conversations at times, and wants to just talk sillyness at times. We have to have something in common, we have to have a similar sense of humour and we have to be attracted to eachother.

People always talk about how looks are not important and how it's all about the personality but it's not true, it's not how we work as people. If you don't find some attraction in my profile pic i know you're not reading this far. And if I don't find any attraction to your pics guarenteed I wont be messaging back. Some would say that's a shallow way to think about dating. I personally don't think there's anything shallow about knowing what I want, knowing what I'm looking for and seeking it.

On a real though, I am looking to date, not link. If you're wanting to get to know a very real, kinda silly at times, very loving

User Statistics

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: London
City/Town: London
Age: 30
Martial Status: Single
Body Type: Have some extra pounds
Can Accommodate: Yes
Can Travel: No
Smoking: Yes
Drinking: Yes

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