
Well just wanted to say abit about myself.
Before u start reading... Im not a skinny minny i have curves and a spanish big bum so iff u like sizei 8 girls get off my profile :-)
Im 19 and im half english half spanish i have an amazing baby girl who is 11 months. Iff ur one of thoose whoo thinks im a chav and that i got pregnant just to be on benefits you are soo wrng!!! I work hard for everything i have and im looking for someone who will fight for me.
iff ur a pervert or a waste of space who just wants sex please dont bother writting to me as i dont wanna waste ur time!!
oh and just because u have muscles and you maybe think ur gods gift to women it dont mean . U are not better than anyone else so reality check iff ur ugly on the inside ur ugly on the out!!
Iff you are one of thoose people who think bruv, brap, allow it, bare, sup are actuall words that you can use in a conversation. please leave my profile!! I cant stand it.
Iff ur looking for the same then drop me a message ;)

User Statistics

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: London
City/Town: London
Age: 21
Martial Status:
Body Type: Have some extra pounds
Can Accommodate: Yes
Can Travel: Yes
Smoking: No
Drinking: Yes

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